IMDB’s Top 100 Best Movies of All Time
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  1. Just curious – what was the criteria of how these films were chosen? I know when I see a film, unlike you, I am uneducated and go for the entertainment value and escape value. I went down the list and saw almost every one of them except for some of the foriegn films.

  2. Could it be that I took a film class at Webster without you being present? I know that we saw The Apartment, Double Indemnity, and Rashomon in Modern World Cinema. If you weren’t in that class that you never witnessed the “break-up” Blake and I had to stage so everyone would believe we weren’t dating. I miss Webster. 🙁

  3. Votes from, so basically this is the top 100 films as chosen by video store clerks, record collectors, comic book fans and guys who were virgins until college.

  4. whew, thanks……….. didn’t want to look like a complete idiot, Now………. out of that list give me your top 10 or top 25 just out of curiosity. I know curiosity killed the cat.

  5. Taxi Driver
    Fight Club
    Pulp Fiction
    Raging Bull
    12 Angry Men
    Clockwork Orange
    The Matrix
    Apocalypse Now!
    Stuff not on the list:
    The King of Comedy
    Blue Velvet
    Dead Ringers

  6. hmmmmmm………. that was fast
    I know your reasoning is different than mine, and that is great, and would agree with you about the ones you picked as being great films, except……. and these are personal reasons too, Clockwork Orange and Apoalypse Now, I didn’t care for. Reasons: Don’t much care for English films, and Apocalypse Now even though was based upon Viet Nam, it had nothing to do with it. It could have taken place in any time frame in history and perhaps I would have liked it better.
    Didn’t see King of Comedy, Naked, or Dead Ringers, but NOW I am damn curious to see them.
    Thanks for your insight. I am NOT even going to tell you my favorites! 😉 You’d laugh. Most of them are sappy.

  7. for the record, Apocalypse Now, while set in Vietnam was based on Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness which took place, I believe, in Africa and was writtien before the Vietnam War

  8. No one of consequence. Just a girl that occasionally emailed David a rather lengthy and sometimes caustic opinion on a film for which she was given free tickets.

  9. It was long rumored at Intermission that I wrote all the film reviews and that Daniela Droke and Foxy Krupensky were pen names, but they were in fact real people. Michael meet Daniela, Daniel meet Michael, the former photo editor of Intermission.
    BTW: Who could make up a name like Foxy Krupensky?

  10. And me Goth…
    Of course, your studio is in Missouri, kind Sir. I’m currently in NYC and am moving to California in a few weeks for grad school.
    Lovely work though….

  11. I am thinking we may have met in between the times you were here and in NYC when writing for the paper, is that possible?
    And why don’t you go ahead and add me to your friends list, as I will you.
    Never can tell when I may travel to photograph a beautiful woman………… I have gone as far as England to make someone eternal. Oh, thanks for the kind words. My e-mail is so we don’t have to clutter up Dave’s page.
    And what are you doing at 11:27 am in NYC this fine morning?

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