I’m Just Saying

Five years ago, George W. Bush, whom I think we can all agree is not the best public speaker to hold the office of president, made a speech linking Iraq to Al Qaeda, and accusing Saddam Hussein of having ongoing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs as well as stock piles of weapons of mass destruction.

And white people bought it hook line and sinker.

Five years, a half a trillion dollars and a few hundred thousand civilian casualties later, Barack Obama, a bi-racial man raised by his white mother and possibly the most eloquent speaker on the national stage since Dr. Martin Luther King, made a landmark speech basically saying that he is not a racists, but someone who wants to help heal the racial divide.

And white people are having none of it.

I’m just saying… 

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. We’re not?
    You know, in all my adult years there has never been anyone even worth thinking about voting for as far as I’ve been concerned. These old, rich white men come out with their campaign runs with “BullShit” written all over their face. I could smell it. I could feel it. So I never voted.
    This guy, Barack is definitely making me reconsider. So far, I am pretty damn impressed. IF I vote, it will most likely be for him.
    That said though, you can’t be so hard on the white people about Barack. Black people are hard on him too – talking about how he’s not black enough, he’s *too* well spoken, he’s *too* educated, to really know what it’s like to be black.
    oi vey.
    People are just ridiculous, regardless of their color.

  2. Hillary just passed Barack in the polls for the first time since Super Tuesday. I can’t think of another explanation. Of course I’m not saying that all white people don’t get it. C’mon, I love white people. Some of my best friends are white (okay, all of them).
    I’m just saying people believe what they wanna believe. It was easier for Bush to sell the Iraq war than for Barack to sell the fact that he’s not racist. People are lead by fear more than logic (hence, my icon).
    You’ll have to excuse me. Im having two of the worst Black days of my life.

  3. Hmm.. Well, I dunno… but this might explain it. I saw the video the article refers to and was appalled. It doesn’t help Obama’s case – at all.
    And anyway, I think the real irony here is that we have this guy who apparently wants to blur the racial lines, and yet, the people – the American People – won’t let those lines blur. Man. As long as people keep making color distinctions, the lines will always exist.

  4. I read the article you linked to, and I’m not trying to sound like a dick, but I’m not sure about the point you’re making. Live Journal may not be the best place for this conversation, but I’m pretty much down to have it anytime, anywhere. I can talk about this stuff all day.

  5. heh. Right on. 🙂 Shoot me an email – michelle at steelveils dot com
    And because you can’t hear my tone, let me just say I’m not being pissy about this even a little bit.
    The connection I was attempting to make with the article and your racism argument is that Obama spent two decades in this church, under this pastor. I don’t suppose you’ve seen the video? It’s kind of disturbing. The pastor looks and sounds all sorts of angry, and is preaching angry words. Preaching hate. Racism. So – here we have Obama talking about blurring the lines of race – it could easily make him look like a hypocrite. It’s as the article says…
    “His association with the pastor poses a problem because it casts doubt on his judgment, raises questions about his patriotism and undermines his reputation for honesty, according to commentators.”
    Well, if ya get a video of that sort circulating, you very well may have a drop in polls. But it’s a question of sincerity, not color.
    I think the people are in the mood for change and a drastic one at that. But we are not in the mood for more bullshit.

  6. White People?
    Who are these so called “white people”? My skin is fair, eyes blue, hair mostly blonde, yet I WORKED MY ASS OFF( as a paid political organinizer) to keep Dubbya out of office another 4 years. So did a lot of other fair skinned people. And a lot more voted to keep him out. (Not that we all counted…)
    And me and my fair skinned boy both voted for the Obama Man once and will do so again (provided we get the opportunity) or we will vote for Hillary. Because I don’t care WHO the Elephants run, I’m not voting for that ideology.
    Now I get your drift – there are some serious hoosier idiots out there who have bought the whole stack of manure. But seriously, saying “white folks” like “fair skin” = trailor-park livin’ republican votin’ evangelical fanatic hoosier is EXACTLY what Obama is talking about. We have to stop labeleing based on skin color. It doesn’t work.
    Since I did my graduate studies in History of Discrimination in the US 1864 to the present, I MIGHT understand the frustration a straight black man (who is really a lesbian white woman trapped) could have about the system and his/her fellow citizens. Sort of like a white straight woman from a lower-economic class could have because she refuses to “play the good girl” and sit down and shut up about how she keeps getting paid less and having her medical needs determined FOR her and all she needs is to get a man and have a baby to be happy. Otherwise, she isn’t a real woman anyway.
    Sort of like that. Except that due my fair skin, supposedly I won’t have any of it? Talk to my 8 year old. She is all about the man. Her and her blonde headed blue eyed fair skinned private school educated middle class self. Cause she is raised LEFT.
    I am just sayin’

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