I’m back, like Return of the Jedi

Some people have expressed concern that I haven’t updated my LJ or commented in anyone elses for a while. It’s a combination of sevral reasons, not the least of which are the facts that my life had been sliding into a black hole of suck, and that I just got back from a week long road trip to Texas. I will try to post about sexual harrasment complaints, the accident that could have killed my girlfriend, and my intense new desire to have a kid, as soon as I get a chance.

Until then, enjoy this picture of  :

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. I saw Wicker Park and the Villiage the other day
    Wicker Park is worth seening, perhaps a B+, good split screen cinematography
    The Villiage, although predictable is a C+ but poor ending

  2. when was that taken?
    March of 2000, in your studio. I was on spring break and you were in Europe.
    Watch that stuff or I will have to hang up my camera(s)
    Considering I take a decent picture once every six months, I don’t think you have to worry. Thanks though. Incidentally, this photo was taken with one of your cameras.

  3. I’ve found with a lot of M. Night’s movies he tends to gain momentum up until the climax of the film and then not really know where to go with it. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t care for Signs. I might see The Village though… mostly because of the hellish ordeal of trying to get one of our agents into the NY Premiere. I do, however, recommend that you RUN to the theater to see Garden State. We can discuss my theory on the ending afterwards. *curtsies*

  4. I think your photographs are getting wonderfully artistic
    LOL, you can borrow them anytime you like
    I have a story to tell about a woman from Italy……..
    ask me about it on Sunday at the Diner

  5. Hmmm, Dave + Baby = ?
    I just had unprotected sex, and I don’t have the money to get an abortion. If by some chance I am knocked up, you can have my baby, cause I already know I don’t want it.

  6. Man.
    I am tuned to find that I can read your posts again.
    You rock my world, David. You always have. Since the first time I sat down with you.
    enjoy other peoples’ kids. need not make your own.

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