Dinner at the Nodanuff heezy


Suzanne and Christine at the Nodanuff house 6.27.04


Last Sunday we had Sunday dinner at the Nodanuff house. The first one we’ve had in a while, maybe since my birthday back in December, but I could be wrong. I got to meet Jeff D’s new girlfriend Josie, who Suzanne has been telling me I should meet for a while. She seems really cool. Apparently, she’s mad liberal and every time she starts going on about politics they tell her she should talk to me.


We end up on the back porch, talking about the war, the peace movement, blah, blah, blah, and userinfocountdraga  starts talking about his beef with some people in the movement. Fair enough, I’ve had runs with folks whose politics I agree with, but couldn’t stand personally (not to mention any names, Tony). Then Draga goes into this story about a run in he had with Bill Ramsey, from Human Rights Action circa Gulf War 1. Draga gets game-faced angry about from what, I can gather, was a misunderstanding. I won’t get into specifics, I wasn’t there and can only go on what Draga told me, but I have worked with Bill Ramsey and just from what I heard I can think of several good explanations for what Bill said. In any case, that’s beside the point, the whole thing was 14 fucking years ago. To hear Draga talk about it, you’d think it happened yesterday.


Bill can definitely come off arrogant and bombastic, but you know… the guy was trying to stop a war, which is what he does and to a much lesser extent what I do. I have to admit I was a little taken aback in the midst of a rather calm conversation about the political situation in the here and now to hear a very angry story about a personal slight that occurred in the early nineties. It’s sorta’ like hearing, “well, I wanted to help you stop the war, but I got my feelings hurt…”


Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that everybody who agrees with me should do what I do. I just get annoyed by armchair quarterbacks. I should probably include the caveat that the man I’m calling an armchair quarterback in this instance is a decorated combat veteran, and under the same circumstances my punk-ass would have shot out an eardrum or run away to Canada…


Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Loved that story. It sounded bigger and badder than what it seemed like to me. Won’t bother to argue about Ramsey, but I did fight in a war and know what it was like and know what I have to do to not want people to fight again. I stand on that, regardless of anyone.
    Love ya Dave!

  2. Slips and Faries
    Will someone tell Suzanne I said Hi? I saw her naked, and Mike has a video of Alanja, Suzanne, a guy named Jonnie who had a midsized dick that couldent help from being hard, and me, running around in white slips. Slips and Faries is the name of the video. I was so young, and I think I stuck a bobby pin up my vagina.

  3. At somepoint today…..
    I checked my landline voicemail and there was a message/invitation from Conn from last week I think – sorry I missed it. Anything planned for next weekend?
    I need some advice on how not to be just an armchair quarterback. I saw an ad in the paper tonight for Hospitality people to move to Germany for 18 months to create entertainment programs for troupes. I would never go without WM, but it would be educational to get to know people that are actually involved with this crap. I don’t think it would change my anti-war opinion, it would just be interesting to hear another side that isn’t part of the current presidential administration.

  4. Re: At somepoint today…..
    “interesting to hear another side that isn’t part of the current presidential administration.”
    The only pro-war voices that I can listen to are Christopher Hitchens and Andrew Sullivan. Don’t agree with either of them, but I respect both of them.

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