An Ode to the Undecided Voter…


If I ever kill someone (it could happen) I hope that I’m not famous and that the victim is not a white woman. My theory being that if I am a celebrity murder suspect or if I kill a white woman, it will be splashed all over the papers, TV and radio. Then the challenge will be finding jurors who do not have prior knowledge of the case. So, in essence, my life would be in the hands of 12 people who don’t read the paper, watch the news or listen to the radio.


This, I feel, is the place the country is in right now. This election will be decided by undecided voters.  The fate of the free world will be decided by people who, four weeks prior to the election, haven’t made a decision between to very different candidates. What the fuck could happen in the next four weeks that could change anyone’s mind about what has happened in the several months of the campaign, the last four years under Bush or the last 20 years of these politicians’ careers?


This is why this period is so frustrating. From politicians themselves all the way down to the grassroots organizers and the volunteers, the people involved in this campaign are entrenched in politics. We don’t understand people who don’t vote. We don’t understand people who don’t vote in every election. We don’t even understand people who plan to vote but haven’t made up their minds on who to vote for. And to be quite honest, quiet as it is kept, we have a certain amount of contempt for these people. Honestly, we’re secretly kinda pissed off that the next president of the United States will be decided by people who don’t follow politics and often can’t be bothered to vote.


In this, the endgame, we are trying to win the hearts and minds of people we don’t understand and deep down aren’t sure we even like. Sound familiar?  We’re trying to bring democracy to Iraq and we cannot admit that part of the problem is that we simply don’t understand the Muslim or Arab world. We don’t understand why we cannot just paint western values over them. Our system is so great that the only thing that keeps others from adopting it is despotic leaders and the fact that it’s never been offered to them. We can’t admit that we don’t understand the Muslim world and the mere suggestion that we need to is considered un-American.


So here we are, as a country and as individuals, trying to win the loyalty and obedience of people whom we don’t understand and don’t like. At best, they tolerate us until we get off their porch, off their phone or out of their country, but deep down they feel our condescending attitude and they don’t like us either. The fate of the world hangs in the balance of these awkward interactions that feel like a traffic stop or a really bad first date.


God bless America.





Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. You should watch The Daily Show. The night of the first debate, they did a whole segment on undecided voters. It was very funny.

  2. Bringing The Muslim, and American way of life of life together is like a mustard and peanut butter sandwich, it just dosent go together, even here. I say this, because I’ve worked for Muslims, and I don’t get them, and they don’t get me either, so I just accept it.

  3. I think you may be underestimating a substantial segment of the ‘undecided’ population. I know a number of people who, while leaning toward Bush or Kerry, are not so attached that it would be impossible to switch. Mostly it seems to come from the fact that each candidate represents a portion of what they believe. You yourself expressed the feeling a while ago that Democrats were all shills, as evil as Republicans, and you were a Nader-man all-the-way.
    While it is unclear from your post, one could imagine a situation where someone in your shoes might be ‘undecided’. They don’t particularly like Kerry, but they hate Bush. I would say I know a number of ‘undecideds’ who fall into this category. Either they are Pro-Nader, yet don’t want to give away the election to Bush, so they might vote for Kerry. Or they are Republicans who see Iraq as an enormous failure, and can’t bring themselves to vote for Bush again. But there beliefs on topics like Abortion and Taxes keep them from supporting Kerry whole-heartedly.
    So while it may be true that many undecideds just don’t care yet, I think it may also be true that many of them care *too* much, and are still attempting to weight all the options.
    My opinion, not that you asked for it, but there it is.

  4. I read this to my mom, and she wants to know if she has your permission to copy it and pass it on. She’s coming to Misery next week to help the DNC… you’re in a battleground state, don’t ya know. 😉

  5. yeah, what you said…
    If it’s any consolation, I didn’t vote last presidential election and I am voting this one, as well as my man. We’re two of the “undecideds” in the polls, because I don’t vote along any party lines.
    I know it’s frustrating to think about that shit (if you’re not frustrated you don’t have enough accurate information), so know that not ALL the undecideds are illiterate morons. I can read at a second grade level, which far surpasses the sincere FOX viewers.
    Also, just for another optimistic moment, my dad is one of those assholes who barely tolerate the door to door canvassers. I was at his house when a Kerry rep came by and he was extremely rude. I mean, he was one of those people who will probably have nasty stories told about him at Kerry HQ. My dad hates anyone who calls him or rings his doorbell. I reamed his ass after she left and told him he’s only interrupted for a few seconds and people all over the community are inconveniencing theirselves all day to go around the neighborhood to make sure the people have information and know their rights. I can’t change the fact that he’s rude (he’s been like that ever since I can remember), but he got the point, and he’s voting for Kerry, even though he wouldn’t tell her that for her poll. My grandma is the same way, and she’s usually a straight Republican-ticket voter, but this time she’s voting ABB.
    I just want to let you know you’re making a difference and what you do DOES matter. Guard your mind, spirit, and self-esteem against the collection agent syndrome, ya know, where everyone you speak to turns into a bill-dodging idiot after awhile. 🙂
    But anyway, what you said!

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