Spalding Gray Story
I saw Spalding Gay live for the first (and, officially, only) time my sophomore year in college. He told this story about a woman he was with whose previous boyfriend had been an obstetrician with access to liquid cocaine through his hospital. The two of them would meet in an empty hospital room, rub liquid cocaine on their naughty bits and fuck like bunnies until his pager went off and he had have to run off and deliver a baby, high on coke with a rock hard dick.
I was laughing my ass off at this story, as was the woman sitting in front of me who just happened to be my 9th grade history teacher. She looked back at me and we locked eyes and both immediately stopped laughing. I realized that I was laughing at a story about sex and drugs in front of a teacher and she realized that she was laughing at the same story in front of a student.
(As a side bar, I recently ran into the same teacher at and erotic art show. I said something to her to the effect of “I wish I had known you were this kinky back in high school.”)
Anyway, rest in piece SG.
Spalding Gray story
One note of redemption on K. McCameron’s resume is this: He really officially cemented my love of Spalding Gray. To this day I cannot watch SG unless it’s the middle of the night and oppressingly fucking hot.
Re: Spalding Gray story
I really want you to elaborate on this.