I finally figured out what the big deal is.


When I have a kid, the first time I tell more than two stories in a row about said child that would be of absolutely no interest if told about an adult, you have my permission to slap me. If you are childless at that point in your life, you can slap me twice.


I just went on a six day road trip with a three year old. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat.


I feel compelled to tell everyone stories about my niece, but I stop myself. If you spend a lot of time with young children, you already know and if you don’t you wouldn’t get it. I feel like a new parent who thinks he just invented children. 


I used to feel abandoned by my friends who’ve had kids and can’t leave the house without a babysitter and a week’s notice. I used to feel superior in the fact that I was free to live a selfish, hedonistic lifestyle.  But now, I get it.


My mom has been bugging me about a grandchild for years, and now my sister’s bugging me about giving her a niece or a nephew. I’m nowhere near ready to have a kid, mentally or financially. I can barely take care of my damn self. Plus, there’s still a lot of dirt I wanna do that is conducive to being childless. But, to be real, I’ve had ten years to sew my wild oats and the time to give up the ghost is fast approaching.  My ridiculous life is a blast, but I’d trade it all in to have a kid half as cool as my niece. 


I think kids bring out the best in me; mostly because I’m a grown-ass-kid myself, but also because I’m completely immature and kids force me to be responsible. It’s pretty amazing that my sister trusts me with her daughter, considering in 30 years I cannot think of another example of her trusting me with anything.


My niece breaks my heart and makes me blissfully happy all at once. She can make me smile, no matter what. Just taking her to the bathroom to wash her hands is like, incredibly entertaining to me.


Fuck! Kids, man.

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Oh….
    She is just so precious… I can hardly stand it!
    Thanks for sharing her pic & your newfound insight with us. I know how you feel… that’s kind of how I felt when I first became a parent 12 (ugh!) years ago!
    When it comes to being ready for kids… I think it’s hard to ever totally be ready… they just happen & you do what has to be done to take care of them. And it makes us stronger & wiser.
    It’s like My Dad says, “If you wait til you’re ready to have kids… you’ll never have them. That’s why they usually just happen!”

  2. Re: Oh….
    Today I spent 50 bucks on Dora the Explorer merchandise. So help me God, I almost asked a sales girl if they had Hello Kitty pajamas. I’m so gone.

  3. Re: Oh….
    Oh wow!
    She does have you wrapped around her little finger doesn’t she? 😀
    You will definitely make a wonderful Daddy someday!

  4. Aww.
    My little sister Katie is one of the only people who can make me smile just because she’s there. So I know how you feel about Kids making you happy.
    A friend of mine has three little boys.
    He’s was making them BLT’s, and one of the boys said that he dident want any “red potatos” on his BLT.
    Yeah, kids are entertaining.

  5. Oh yeah. God help you if you have girls because you will be a goner! *L* And that’s a good thing by the way. Nothing wrong with wanting kiddos at all and it’s good that you know that about yourself. I’m sure when you’re ready you’ll do a great job.

  6. kids, man
    I know that alot of my friends could feel abandoned by me since the booh(s), so I’m glad you can see the other side, if only so I can maintain my popularity with you. haha
    Sometimes my single friends don’t get that sometimes I’m not going out because I “can’t” due to babysitter, etc; it’s because I just don’t want to, with Jar-Bear at home.
    Sometimes kids are way cooler to hang out with than people over 18. Not always, but it’s there.
    I think you’ll be a great parent because of your humility about the whole parenting thing. It was apparent when you came to visit me in the hospital when Jared was born, and later when we made you change your first diaper, and so forth. It takes alot more humility to be a good parent than most parents care to develop (the ego is a powerful thing). I’d say you’ll do great with kids, but you already are great with kids, ’cause you’re real.

  7. Re: kids, man
    Thank you.
    Peter McWilliams once wrote that children are the proof that the basic nature of human beings is good, not evil. How could you not be humbled by that?

  8. Egoic infantilemania
    Every language has its special way of expressing non-language sounds.
    In Japanese, I’m like “gero-geri-gegege”!
    I want all men reading this to roll on a condom and leave it there for the next fifteen years.

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