Things I found while cleaning my basement:

A roll of film I shot in San Francisco, in 1998 I think.    help me out. And who’s the other girl in the picture? The film sat unproccessed at either my mom or my sister’s house for years. The negatives are practically black. Thank you Photoshop! I had no eye back then so most of the photos kinda suck.

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. sucka free
    Her name is Rana Friedman. We used to kick it, I think she went to Oberlin. You probably met her because she worked at the Good Vibrations warehouse at the time. Haven’t seen her in ages. Damn, my hair looked good.
    Third pic from the end is the Defenestration art building:
    One of my fave San Francisco sites evah.
    Got any more?

  2. fishing for compliments
    ahem, I believe I said, “my hair looks good.”
    I keep trying to identify the exact intersection of each photo. Not much has changed on Market St. in 8 years.

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