Don’t call it a comeback !

It’s been a long ass mutha fuckin’ weekend, but it’s over. I feel a little bad about my previous post bitching and moaning about the film shoot. Although Saturday was a hard day, even as I was writing that post I was aware of all the really good stuff I was leaving out. A bar full of people came out and showed love and worked on my little movie for free. rocketparkboy stayed late and helped figure out some electrical problems that otherwise might have caused Freddy, the bar owner, to kick us out and shut down production. My roommate unexpectedly came by after work to help us strike the set and I don’t know how I would have done it without him. Sunday’s shoot came off like a dream and we actually stayed slightly ahead of schedule in spite of the fact that we were half a day behind because of the problems on Saturday. Sunday, no doubt about it, we were in the zone. We got the most complicated shot of the day in a single take, which was nothing short of a miracle. I just came back from logging the footage in the lab and it all looks tight. At least for the moment I’m stoked on filmmaking. What a difference a day makes.
Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. The Nun thang
    Okay, this movie must make it to public viewing.. I will do anything in my limited (but extremely aggressive) power to make that happen. I was at a Catholic thing the other night and everyone had to say something that they had done that they thought no one else in the room had… I told them that I got to play an apple friendly nun in a movie. It killed.. dude don’t make me a liar in church of all places. 🙂

  2. Re: The Nun thang
    No doubt. I think we should have a screening of this blasphemous movie full of sadistic nuns, lesbians, male frontal nudity and people drinking and smoking in Virgin Mary muscle shirts, specifically for members of the Catholic church. If for no other reason, so that the nuns at Saint Louis Cathedral can see that I made something out of myself. Maybe there will be a huge protest. The ultimate goal is for Nighthawk’s to be an extra feature on the Last Temptation of Christ DVD.
    How exactly did you define “apple friendly”

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