
So, I was booking travel for this chick from Miramax one day at work, and after recapping her flight itinerary and asking about her seat preference, I say “One more question: Twenty millions dollars for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back?”

Without missing a beat she said, “Hey, it turned a profit. Kevin Smith has a built in audience…” and so on, like I was some studio exec and not just a travel agent.

I tell this story now, in honor of .

I thought my final surprise of the night was Don’t Answer Girl calling me at 1AM to get my blessing on turning her first trick. Then at 3AM I get a call from who I haven’t spoken to via a non-internet based format since we graduated college 3 years ago.

The conversation was only slightly redundant due to the fact that we both read each other’s livejournals and it was awesome just to hear her voice again. [Hey D: Snoochie Boochies]

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Hi. Please excuse the off topic post. I just wanted to let you know that I added you. Hope that’s cool. Feel free to add me back.

  2. *smirks* Wow, not only do you remember my outfit on the day we met… but also my slight obsession with Kevin Smith circa “Chasing Amy”. I couldn’t bring myself to watch “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”. Don’t tell him, kay?

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