Oh my fucking God….

Just got off the phone with Don’t Answer Girl. She called me from a cell phone in route to turn her first ever trick. She said she’s desperate to get money to pay her rent, so she was going to fuck some guy and she wanted my opinion. She asked me if I thought she was worth $150. WTF?

Now, don’t get me wrong, from close friends to personal heroes, I know my share of sex workers. However, D-Girl is about as unlikely a candidate for prostitution as I know. She was a virgin when I met her three years a go. She once asked me what a dominatrix was…

I think her (female) roommate is pimping her out. It concerns me. D-Girl is pretty innocent, but she has a history of hooking up with bad influences that don’t have her best interests at heart (myself included).

Her roommate, who was driving her, asked to speak with me. Then, this girl who I’ve never met asked me for my permission to take D-Girl to this guy’s apartment to fuck him for money. WTF?

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. No pun intended
    You know, I didn’t even think about that until after I posted it.
    Yeah. I was listening to “In the Wind.” The one that goes “Trick love da’ kids!”

  2. Good god how weird. Why do they think they need your permission? Maybe they were hoping you’d talk them out of it or they wanted to your approval to feel better about it. Still, why do they feel the need to get you mixed up in their drama? Lame!
    b.t.w., the market might be different in St. Louis but I say she shouldn’t take less than $200 and depending on her looks and marketing, she might be able to get 3. Don’t ask me how I know this I just know. ANd what’s this business about her roommate pimping her out? Fuck that!! If you’re going to go that route~which I don’t recommend but let’s face it these things happen~fuck sharing the money. Just get a cell phone, take out an ad, buy some pepper spray and a tazer and sign up for a karate class, and have at it. Hire a body guard if you must but there is no reason on god’s earth to share the wealth considering what one goes through to make it. Pimps suck.

  3. In the immortal words of Langston Hughes, somethings in life are too sad to be funny and too funny to be sad.
    That being said, I laughed my ass off at your post.
    I even think you were being sincere, but it’s still funny.
    Truth be known, I think D-Girl really was jus trying to make sure that her turning tricks wouldn’t be a deal breaker between her and me. I think she was scared of what would happen if she went through it without telling me and I found out later….

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