Conversations with Rexy: I Want To Peel Your Skin Off

My friend Rexy is so funny, I had to give her a blog category of her own. She has graduated from “Shit Women Say To Me.” The following conversation took place in bed: Rexy: I want to take a box-cutter, peel your skin off and take it home with me. Me: Um… why? Rexy: Because I love the way […]

Shit Women Say To Me: Glad You Can Read My Subtext

Her: What’s this “you’re smarter than I expected,” “I like you more than I expected” stuff? Makes me wonder what exactly you were expecting!  Me: I thought you were dumb and that I’d hate you. Her: I appreciate your honesty. Speaking of dumb, can I peruse your book collection so that I can rectify my situation?  […]