Author Archive: davidwraith
How The Avengers Should Have Ended
Dear Director Fury: We accept that we all had to give up being the stars of our own movies in order to save the world. However, we think you’re
crazy to ask us to write an essay on who we think we are. You see
us as you want to see us, on the simplest terms and the most convenient
definitions. But, what we discovered today is that each one of us is a monster…
…and a super soldier…
…and a spy…
…and a demi-god…
…and an assassin…
…and a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist.
Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Avengers.
On Choosing Your Targets
The best photo of Rush I could find. Source
I read this article by Kirsten Powers on the Daily Beast. It’s being circulated on the internet by conservatives in response to the uproar over Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut. Powers’ premise is that it’s hypocritical for the left to call for boycotts of Limbaugh for his sexism when she can cite sexist comments by left leaning pundits like Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Bill Maher, and Matt Taibbi.
Surprisingly, I don’t entirely disagree. I do give Bill Maher something of a pass, because rightly or wrongly, I think of him primarily as a comedian. Howard Stern is way to the right of me and I give him a pass as well because his sexism, racism and homophobia are at least funny. I also think it’s a stretch when Powers cites Matt Taibbi calling Michelle Bachmann “bat-shit crazy” as proof of sexism. There’s nothing gender specific about “bat-shit crazy,” so it’s only sexist if all things being equal, he wouldn’t use the same language about a man. Anyone who followed Taibbi’s coverage of the Bush administration or John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign would agree that there’s nothing unique in his treatment of Bachmann.
As far as Powers’ criticism of the Matthews, Olbermann and Schultz, well, I’m the last guy to defend them. Anyone who follows me on Facebook or Twitter probably knows how useless I think the non-Rachel Maddow line-up at MSNBC is. Although, I will say, there is one glaring omission in Powers’ article. All the examples of sexism that she points to by left leaning pundits, indefensible as most of it is, is directed at politicians or other pundits: Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, etc. Not exactly shrinking violets, these ladies; all of them entered political and public life of their own free will, all must have known that taking slings and arrows came with the job and all have thrown their own jabs at their political opponents. You won’t have to look hard to find equally inflammatory remarks from right wing pundits against Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama or Rachel Maddow. Lou Dobbs once called Maddow a “tea-bagging queen, “whatever that means.
For Colored Actresses Who’ve Considered Suicide When Hollywood Is Enuf
I have created a new mathematic equation; I call it The Black Actress Tragedy Index. You take the number of Oscars, Emmys, and Tonys that a black actress has been nominated for and you divide that by the number of years between her most recent nomination and her first appearance in a film written or […]
I’m An Achievement Slut
I’m a normal heterosexual guy in a lot of ways. I like boobs and asses, and legs. I’m a sucker for a pretty face, pretty eyes and a nice smile. I’m also a bit of a star fucker, but I don’t care fuck all about money or status. I’m a star fucker, but only because […]
My Klein Grid Score
Klein Sexual Orientation Grid I scored an average of 1.33 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heterosexual Bisexual Homosexual Meaning This result can also be related to the Kinsey Scale: 0 = exclusively heterosexual1 = predominantly heterosexual, incidentally homosexual2 = predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual3 = equally heterosexual and […]
Ass Forensics
Photo by Kholood Eid, for the Riverfront TimesThis picture was taken at the “No Pants Subway Ride St. Louis.” I had the following conversation with the woman in the picture and just had to share. Me: I thought I recognized that ass. Her: David, did you recognize the legs next to me? I never realized he had […]
Confronting My Friend’s (Alleged) Rapist
A photo from SlutWalk STL. Hey what did you do last Wednesday? Me? Oh, not much. I went to work, wrote a post that went “Kinky & Popular” on Fetlife (the Fetlife equivalent of going viral). I went to see “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” And, oh yeah, somewhere in there I confronted the […]
2011: The Year of the Hater
It seems like my haters are coming out of the woodwork lately. But here’s the funny thing: they’re not coming out of the woodwork to hate on me. They’re coming to wish me a happy birthday, ask about attending parties that I’m hosting and even to give me free t-shirts. I’m discovering that maybe I […]
Monoga… Me?
For the first time in many, many years, I’m thinking about being monogamous. Don’t worry ladies; it’s not going to happen. Thinking about being monogamous for me is like contemplating suicide or the priesthood or becoming a certified yoga instructor. It’s nice to think about sometimes, but I know I’m never going to do it. […]