A photo from a hill in El Paso, Texas overlooking Juarez. This place is intense. Border Patrol watches you like a hawk and if you get close to the line they’re right on top of you. It’s weird. You can literally stand with one foot in the United States and one foot in Mexico or talk to people in another country through these bullshit fences that have been cut through and mended hundreds of times. It’s strange for a city boy from the midwest who’s never been nowhere.
Dude, what are you doing in my hometown????
When I was in California in the 60s, I thought it was weird that busses would be stopped by Immigration and EVERY Chicano looking person was harassed and DEMANDED ID, whether they were citizens or not. Seig Heil!
It was a mission trip with my church. I went to mass yesterday in Juarez, it was amazing.
HOw cool!