So my post about Halloween memories got me listed on the Riverfront Times Daily Web Crawl. Not sure how I got on their radar, but I appreciate the shout out. You can go to the RFT website or you can take my word for it, but I refuse to link to a page that links right back to the blog you are currently reading. That’s a little too Brian O’Blivion for me. And if you don’t know who Brian O’Blivion is, get your ass to a video store and rent Videodrome and see why it was David Cronenberg, not Al Gore who invented the internet. Or better yet, swing by my place and we can watch the double disc Criterion Collection edition together.
I LOVE videodrome
also “the live”
oh and had my first sexual awakening to “WarGames”
“would you like to play a game?”
THEY live.