I was bored at work, messing around on the internets, not looking for anything that anything to do with me, when quite by accident; I came across these photos from 4 years ago. I’m sure they will some day be admitted into evidence at my eventual trial.
There is something so wrong with me.
Model: Aloha
Photog: Michael Draga
Fat guy in bad clothes: Me
Hey, Remember The 00’s? is definitely going have a segment on blue camouflage print.
Also: totally looks like a deleted scene from Heathers.
MMmm define something wrong about it! cute white girls are supossed to have hands around their necks you know 😉
Its in the manual
be cuter w/ a black eye.
Aw… you old softie!
I think I’ve seen that manual. Published by Greenery Press, right?
Actually, it’s a gray camouflage print, which comes in handy if you need to hide in a black & white movie.
Yeah. Old habits die hard.
I saw a very cute girl with a very big bruise on the left side of her face.
It was very becoming.