Last November one of the judges at the St. Louis Film Festival congratulated me on winning an award. I was a bit confused, since I didn’t have a film in the festival. Turns out she had me confused with this guy. In addition to being a filmmaker and living in St. Louis, his name is also David. I’ve been mistaken for this guy about half a dozen times in the last year, and I had no idea what he looked like until I saw him on DHTV last week and checked out his website. I’m the one on the left, by the way.
Now THAT.. that is a look alike.
I know “All black people look the same to me” is racist, but how about “All black filmmakers from the St. Louis area named David look the same to me”?
Holy crap–if ever a resemblance has been uncanny, this is it.
I know a couple of weeks ago one of the nighttime news shows (20/20, Nightline, Dateline…) had a segment on just this: people who are completely unrelated yet look as if they could be twins. I was bummed that I missed it, but it spotlighted people who had actually MET their “twin” on the street, and were subsequently photographed & interviewed. Crazy stuff!