Tonight at the Gym

So tonight at the gym, I pulled a muscle in my abdomin, the possibility of which I had never considered.

The downside is: it really hurt. The upside is: for the first time in 5 years, I have proof that there are in fact muscles in my abdomin. 

Fun fact: Abdominal cramps and abdominal muscle pulls feel completley different. The latter felt like I my right side was paralyzed from my hip to my sternum. I had to walk it off with my torso tilted at a 45 degree angle.

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. now are “abdominal cramps” the same thing as“ rel=”nofollow”>stiches? Becasue i’ve had cramps in my torso when I’m having issues breathing (like this morning i’m congested) and i’ve had sore abs, but i’ve also had a stich many many times before in my life. I think i’d rather have the first two combined before i have a stich.

  2. maybe a stitch is a more accurate descripton of what i had. I think abdominal cramps have more to do with the stomach and the digestive system where what i had was definitely muscular

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