The Sunday Night Weigh In 214 lbs.

214 lbs. That’s 46 pounds over what I weighed in 2001. The goal is to get down to 180 lbs. by May 6th. That’s 34 pounds in 4 months.
Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. I haven’t gotten on a scale since before my vacation. Then i weighed 300lbs. I’m assuming i gained ont he vacation, i don’t like to think about it. In 2004 I weighed 250 with the help of a nutritional therapist. I hated my life but iI was 55 lbs lighter then i am today.
    As for loosing 34 lbs in a month… Don’t set your goals as unreachable. not that i don’t think you can’t do it, but you get a nice waterweight drop at first, the first month you’ll loose around 10 to 15lbs. It will be amazing, but unless you starve yourself and do extensive cardio you shouldn’t loose more then a pound a week… so you have 3 months after the first month wih a pound a week, that’s 3×4=15 = 27. They also say it’s not healthy or good for your skin elasticity if you loose more then an lb a week.
    Also They say pick a time of day to weigh yourself. I’ve heard the best time is in the morning after your first visit to the toilet.

  2. I had a diet that worked really well quite some time ago, but it’s expensive, in a variety of ways.

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