My roommate Andy’s girlfriend, Tracy, was giving him some grief because he owns a copy of Road House on DVD. I had to explain to her that no real man, no real, red-blooded, American, heterosexual male can resist the crowning jewel in the Patrick Swayze cinematic oeuvre. He made Dirty Dancing and Ghost for the ladies, but Road House is all ours.
I read an interview with a Turner broadcasting exec who said that Road House consistently gets some of the highest ratings of any movie they show on the network. Now remember, this is a movie from 1989. Road House has mad staying power.
Ladies, don’t fight the Road House. Embrace the Road House. Use it to your advantage. Case in point: your boyfriend is picking you up for a date but you need time to put your face on. Before he shows up, put Road House in the DVD player and press play. Consider the problem handled:
“Hurry up, honey, we’re going to be late-
[Sees the TV] Whoa! Is this Road House?
[Sits on the couch, ignoring you] Uh… okay, honey, take your time…”
If I owned a chain of department stores, I’d put the electronics section right next to women’s apparel and play Road House on the plasma screens during peak shopping hours. Your boyfriend would never rush you through your clothes shopping again.
Thanks for lightening up my day. This is one of the first things I read at 5:30 in the A.M. I DO have to ask Andy/Tracy about this discussion now, I am curious in what way she gave him some grief. Was it tongue in cheek or did it come out of her ass?
Oh, what would she say about “Fight Club?”
HEY – I love Roadhouse!!! it is one of my few vhs tapes that actually survived many purging episodes.
*eyes mist over*
Poetry… absolute poetry.
worst-cast villain in the history of villains: Ben Gazzara