I’m not one of those guys who’s too cool to admit when he’s intrigued by something so horribly pop culture that all my friends just assume I’d want no part of it. That having been said, I have to admit, I’m captivated by Christina Aguilera. Not her music, mind you. Rockwilder’s production on Dirrty and Lady Marmalade was tight; but most of her stuff leaves me cold. Being 32-years-old and male, I have no use for painfully obvious, fake-feminist, pop anthems. I’m captivated by her looks. For most men, this would not be worth mentioning, but for me it’s odd. She’s blonde, tan and somewhat petite and that makes her the antithesis of what I normally find physically attractive.
Even though the whole Marilyn Monroe thing is played out and these pictures have been so mercilessly PhotoShopped that in some her skin looks like it was made out of mortician’s wax, I love the shots of her in the new GQ.

Yeah, she’s half naked and everything, but at least it’s more tasteful than the shoot she did for Maxim a few years back when she was trying waaaay too hard.

The only thing that disturbs me about the new pictures is that it seems she’s had breast implants. Did Christina Aguilera need breast implants?

Bottom line is, if I walk past a magazine rack and see a picture of Britney Spears, I keep walking. If I see a picture of Christina Aguilera, I stop. I guess she has something. I guess that’s why she’s a star.
No breast implants… she’s always been chesty.
and now the great Wraith is going to be a fashion plate because he has a copy of GQ
congratulations 😉
I disagree (nws)
oooo she got new boobies!! a wedding present perhaps? I like these much much better!
omg how funny you are. she’s had implants for years, but these new teardrop under the muscle implants are much more provacative IMO.
Re: I disagree (nws)
who is that naked pic of?
Re: I disagree (nws)
They’re both Christina Aguilera. Before & After. Or should I say, pre-op and post-op.
I’d fuck her either way, but that happens.