Ever wonder how good it is to live in America? This is Three Dog Bakery. A bakery for dogs. They even make birthday cakes for dogs. It amazes me that this place can stay in business. This is how good it is to live in this country. I doubt there’s a dog bakery in Somalia.
There’s a store in Buffalo which claims to be a gourmet dog bakery. You know, for the dogs who’re just too classy to shop at the normal bourgeois dog bakeries.
Is that in Belltown, Seattle? I swear I just passed that the other day.
Ladue Crossing in St. Louis. Maybe it’s a chain.
Dog Bakery
In Somalia there may be a dog bakery, but they actually bake the dogs not for the dogs. “I’m so hungry I could eat a dog.” Here you go. Try this. MMmmm!
I’ve seen places like this as well in two other cities. I also find it a strange use of one’s time, considering dogs like to eat disgusting crap on the floor and in the back yard…and yes, I agree – this is a great example of ‘so much money we don’t know what to do with it’.
Maybe they just make the stuff out of disgusting crap they find on the floor and in the back yard. The dead rat flavored petit fours are a big hit.