Tarah Demant and Stephanie Williams at KDHX studios, doing The Wire
So I got Tarah Demant from Amnesty International and Stephanie Williams from WORD in Motion booked on tonight’s edition of The Wire to promote Slamming for Human Rights. My biggest worry was that Stephanie wouldn’t be able to make it and I would have to perform a poem live on the air. Then around 5pm I get a call from Tarah telling me her plane into Chicago was delayed and she’s driving and she’s two hundred miles from St. Louis and I would have to cover for her.
Luckily, the show before The Wire ran long and Tarah (who must have been speeding like a demon) called me to let me know she was outside the station just before we went live with me representing Amnesty International. WHEW!
Much love to Thomas Crone and Amanda Doyle for fitting us in the week before they have Mayor Francis Slay on the show! If you missed the show, check their site for the podcast.

Thomas and Amanda (Amanda co-hosts the live talk show Free Candy, I totally stole that concept for one of the open-mics at Dressel’s)
Thomas, holding it down at the controls.
Stephanie, blessing the mic
Eeee! I’m so excited for y’all!