I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that most people who make their living as roofers have never worn high heels, and that most people who wear high heels don’t spend much time repairing a roof.
To them that I reveal this enlightening fact: performing hard labor while standing on a steep incline feels remarkably similar to walking it high heels for too long. Recalling the last time I wore heels was a strange sense memory to have while standing on a roof with shovel and a bucket of tar.
I stripped a roof for three hours and then carried six, ninety pound rolls of roofing shingles up a one story ladder. I’m in so much pain it scarcely bares mentioning, and A.C. is working all night (sniff – sniff).
Hope you are feeling flexible and fiesty again soon.
Now the real trick would be to do the roofing in the heels – when you make that happen – call me, I would like to see it. 🙂