I still feel like I’m losing my mind where women are concerned and I’ve come to a decision. I have decided to temporarily give up sex: at least for a month and maybe for the remainer of the year. I think the message God is sending me is clear: Just because you can have all of something you want doesn’t mean you take all you can get. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m still very sex positive. I don’t think sex is wrong or bad. There’s no shame in my game like that. I just feel that my lack of discipline with regard to sex is infecting a lack of discipline into other areas of my life. I’ve gone two weeks without sex, without an orgasm, without jerking off. I know that’s no big deal to a lot of people, but when you’re used to coming two to three times a day and getting laid two or three time a week, two weeks of absolutely nothing is pretty intense. I bought a punching so that I could take out my sexual aggression on something without a soul. The only thing I feel bad about is not having sex with my primary lover, A.C. during this period. She’s been so wonderful to me through all the shit I’ve been going through lately and I feel like the only thing I can do worse that having sex with her in the first place is to suddenly deny her sex. But in typical fashion, she’s being very supportive of my decision.